Eastern Ontario Labrador Breeders Association

Back to Back Specialty Shows
Saturday September 14, 2019 and Sunday September 15, 2019

The executive of EOLBA is extremely excited to announce the 2019 Specialty. EOLBA has always been known for a very welcoming and relaxing show, among good friends. We hope all our old friends will come out and support our show, and we welcome newcomers to the show as well.

Our site offers a lovely flat grassy area with prime parking, literally at ringside and plenty of room for your pop up tent, x-pen and lawn chairs. Very close to the 401 and all amenities.

We are excited to have two well respected Breeder Judges for our back to back specialties.

Saturday September 14, 2019: Pierrette Mclean (Castlegar Labradors) All Official Classes,12 - 18 Months, Veterans, Field Class, Baby Puppy, Altered, Brace, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Working Dog and Costume Class.

Saturday September 14, 2019: Charlotte Ryan (Gaff Reg'd Labradors) Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes.

Sunday September 15, 2019: Jacqueline Mischou (Caer Bren Labs) All Official Classes, 12 - 18 Months, Veterans, Field Class, Baby Puppy, Altered.

If there is any further information you would like, including regarding area services and accommodations, please do not hesitate to email the show chair, at linda@staghorn-labs.com.

We hope to see you and your lovely Labradors this September!

Corporate Sponsors EOLBA Specialty Shows 2019

Our Sincere Thanks for Your Generous Contributions To Our Event

Royal Canin logo


GreenHawk Logo


Earth-Rated Logo


Paw Prints Genetics Logo


Paw Prints Genetics Logo
labgenvet Logo


Rollover Pet Food Logo


Lead to Temptaion Logo


DDC Logo


Results From Previous Shows